📺 cacti & wmi (windows statistics)
By Philip
after a few hours of searching and testen i’ve got it working! Cacti can now shows disk io of our windows 2008 servers!
Here is how i did it:
download them and install at (go to bottom)
cacti wmi plugin, download the wmi.php and put it in your cacti/scripts/ folder.
Make sure the webserver you are running can read the file!
cacti wmi templates
Import this file(s) in the webinterface.
I only imported the ‘all’ template (cacti_host_template_wmi_-_all.xml)
create a file password file (credentials used for connecting to the windows server):
the contents must be in this format:
password=supersecret domain=acme
now create a new graph for your device with the (i assume you know how to do this!)
select a graph with “(wmi)” behind it.
i’ve selected the disk io meter:
if you want more information, you’ll have to go and see on the cacti forum.
good luck !