Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “ffmpeg”
🎥 ffmpeg multicast streaming (lan)
intro this part is a continuation of the previous post. In this post i will explain how to stream video with ffmpeg on a LAN, and keep the latency as low as possible.
note: this post is for lan only, client and server need to be on the same network or wifi.
(In detail: you need te be in the same layer 2 segement) this is because we use multicast udp to transport the video.
🎥ffmpeg howto/examples
FFMPEG is a video and audio manipulation library and cli program.
ffmpeg is the main tool ffplay is a simple graphical viewer. ffprobe will only probe input data (file, stream, … ) A short explanation how the ffmpeg cli accepts parameters:
ffmpeg <globaloptins> <format> <inputfile_options> <input> <output_option> <output> show info the ffmpeg cli has alot of options, this will give you a good starting point to find info about them: